Year End Daytrip to San Antonio
Saturday, December 14, 2019

View the "Victorian Radicals" exhibition at the San Antonio Museum of Art, private lunch at the Argyle Club and time to view an intimately small exhibition of the McNay's suite of aquatints, in companionship with a special loan from the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York), Cassatt's The Cup of Tea.
Check out the collage of photos below!
We had a great end-of-year daytrip to San Antonio! Back in April we were treated to a VIP tour of "The Rise of Everyday Design: The Arts & Crafts Movement in Britain & America" led by good friend Laraine Lasdon, Ransom Center Docent, who went with us to San Antonio. The Pre-Raphaelite and Arts & Crafts movements have interesting connections and overlapping personnel, making the exhibition at the HRC an exceptional opportunity to build useful backdrop for our day.
Thoughtful display of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood exhibit, and an intimate collection of Mary Cassatt's aquatints and paintings, topped off with a private lunch at the Argyle Club, decorated for the holidays, where we celebrated Karen O'Quin and Alex Pope's birthdays. A memorable day!